J-WOTD: 本末転倒

ほんまつてんとう (honmatsutentou)

* “J-WOTD” = “Japanese Word of the Day”

“tail wagging the dog”
Basically when things are out of their natural order. This is a good one just to use when things seem out of order.. Or, not how they should be.
I had heard this phrase over the past few years often, but never bothered to look up what it really means.

E-WOTD: Antediluvian

Means “Old Fasioned”.
I saw this used in the paper today. What a great word. The meaning in todays sense is generally “old fasioned” as in, an old fasioned attidude, or way of thinking.
Diluvian means flood, from deluge I guess, and ante means “before”, so the latin meaning is before the flood, apparently referring to the flood in the bible (you know, the Noah’s arc one..) So, before the flood means very old, antiquated etc..

WaiWai: Sex? Been there, done that, say disinterested wives

This article is reproduced from the discontinued, but much loved Mainichi Waiwai column by Ryann Connell. Read more about this at the bottom of this article. (Does anybody know when this was originally published in Waiwai? We cant find the original link. Please let us know).

A four-page article in Aera (11/7) is based on a poll of 300 married women, with more than half its space devoted to bar graphs and pie graphs — a total of 20, if you can believe it. But bear with us; there are interesting conclusions to be drawn from the “sexless” relationships that appear to plague an increasing number of Japan’s marriages.

Continue reading WaiWai: Sex? Been there, done that, say disinterested wives